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I Ask you to Forget
"A division of spaces. You eter, or only your mind enters. You are the observer. An observer of a scenery. Only whet I come out of my lonely shelter, will I tell and share the things I experienced.

On an isle between two strangely shaped objects I find my way to the corridor, that is just big enough for a dialogue between me and the written words. When turning my back to the dead end passage filled with memories, my eyes have a hard time transitioning to the bright light. After blinking one or two times I find myself back in the common reality.
I take a sip of my beer.
After walking past the shadow of the velvet wall I make it to the snowy, white outside. Footsteps lead me to the cold livingroom. I look behind me and see the fuzzy, white window where imprints of animal wings leave a bit of space for a small peek in their temporary habitat."

-Lianne Rueb
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